by Giano Patane | Sep 1, 2021 | Bursary & Education Programs, News
Madeline Lauener is a multi-time Survivor Education Bursary Award recipient, which is one of our many programs we proudly raise funds for. This fund supports on average 30 – 40 amazing young adults every year who have been affected by childhood cancer or a blood...
by Giano Patane | Jun 22, 2020 | Bursary & Education Programs, News, Uncategorized
My name is Stephanie Larson, and I am a cancer survivor! When I was 2 years old I was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma. My mom noticed something funny in my left armpit when I was playing in the tub and reaching up for a toy, there was a lump. She took me to the...
by Giano Patane | Jun 10, 2020 | Bursary & Education Programs, News
When I was a young kid, I was always healthy. I rarely got colds, and maybe had a few ear infections as a toddler. That all changed when I got diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called germ cell tumour at age 14. My diagnosis was fast, and I was pushed into the...
by Giano Patane | Oct 15, 2019 | Bursary & Education Programs, News, Volunteer Opportunities
Are you: a survivor education or conference bursary recipient, or hoping to be? desire to support Balding for Dollars more than you already are, but don’t know how? wanting to attend local events and/or fundraise but can’t due to physical or geographical...
by Giano Patane | Sep 22, 2019 | Bursary & Education Programs, News, Patient & Family Practical Support, Teen Adventures
My Cancer Journey Three years ago, hoping to broaden my horizon and enrich my experiences, I came to Canada from China as an international student. I began Grade 9 at a secondary school in Delta, living with a lovely and welcoming homestay family. With conscientious...
by Giano Patane | Aug 27, 2019 | Bursary & Education Programs, Patient & Family Practical Support, Teen Adventures
Cancer. Any kind, any time. The word instills terror. It attacks the body, leaves the mind reeling, and isolates. There are many groups and associations that try to mitigate those impingements on everyday life. Balding for Dollars is one of those. They raise money,...