Meet Dana, a 9 year old girl with a goal to help others with cancer.

It was all Dana’s idea from the start. Dad, Fabio says he was just the facilitator.

Dana and her family have been touched by cancer having 3 family friends and her Grandmother diagnosed within the past year.

Her Grandmother, thankfully, is recovering but she wanted to do something to show her support and help other kids going through it.

She was very happy to cut and donate her beautiful, long, and thick hair to be made into wigs for deserving kids who lose their hair.

ponytail donation

Fabio, Dana, and their family look forward to attending the main event at BC Children’s Hospital on May 12th to celebrate and show their support. They are excited to be a part of Balding For Dollars future success and opportunities.

Way to go Dana, we are so proud of you!

Dana getting haircut

Want to help like Dana?

-Register to fund raise and/or cut/shave your hair at our main event here:

-Get on our email list to stay up to date with future events and volunteering opportunities: