How You can Help
There are many ways in which you can support the children and their families that have cancer or a blood disorder. Here is how you can help:
You Can . . . .
- Register to “Shave for the Brave”
Show your support and join in on a Balding for Dollars event in your community by pledging to shave your head or chop your locks. Choose a fundraising goal that you want to attain, for example, it could be that if you raise $1000 you will shave your head. Then reach out to your friends, family, classroom, co-workers, teammates, or club members and ask them to help you get to that goal. You can register on-line at our event page, then share your fundraising page on social media, and start collecting pledges!!!
To join an existing Event or Team (including our Main Event here at BC Children’s Hospital in May)
- As an Individual Registration
- Start your own Event
You can host your own Balding for Dollars Event where people sign up to shave or donate hair or you can host a pub night, bake sale, sell some bracelets, and hold a concert etc. . . . We’ve had some pretty amazing people host incredible events to support our cause and they have made a big impact. To get started you just need the passion and imagination! The rest will follow.
To get tips on how to start your own event Click Here (Can this direct people to the Event Package Page?)
- Support a Shavee or Make a General Donation!
To donate to an existing Shavee, go to “Search for a Participant” and type in their name
Click here to donate to a Shavee!
To make a general donation…
Click here and go to Donate Now
Your support makes All the Difference!!!!