Hope for Children Thrift Store has been donating funds to BC Children’s Hospital for several years as part of their giving back initiative to their community and abroad.

The store manager approached us at Balding for Dollars last March of 2021, with a desire to specifically raise funds for a cause that supports oncology kids and their families in BC as many of their volunteers have been affected or touched by childhood cancer in same way. So we partnered with them straight away and got them the supplies they needed to add cash boxes and information to their tills, as well as an online link unique to the store, to help them do just that.

We met on March 1st, 2022 to say thank you to the staff and volunteers for their support in the first year, and to take a photo. They raised $1548.60 and we are so grateful for their efforts! We also brought down some QR codes to test out at the tils to make cashless donating even easier!

Hope for Children Thrift Store is located in downtown Langley and their mission is to help as many people in their communities as possible. They do this by the many donations and support that they get from the local communities and volunteers. They support four orphanages in Mexico and for every dollar you donate to the cash boxes at the till in store, or through this link online, we can help those children in need. A yearly donation is also sent to Balding for Dollars at BC Children’s Hospital.

Hope for Children Thrift Store and Balding for Dollars at BCCH thanks you for your support!